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CUBEMEMBER is a function that returns a member or tuple from the cube, it is used to validate that the member or tuple exists in the cube. If the value doesn’t exist, the formula will not work.
The XOR function in Excel stands for exclusive or and is used to compare two values to see if they are different. The function returns TRUE if one, and only one, of the values is true, and “FALSE” if both values are either true or false.
There are many functions in Excel that are useful in a variety of situations. Two of the most popular functions in Excel are the INDEX and MATCH functions. These functions can be used to look up values in a table or range of cells. Understanding these functions gives you the tools to make your data work for you.
In this article, I will guide you to write simple if functions as well as the complex if functions with multiple conditions or we also call it nested if functions.
Lets start with simple if function in Excel formulas:
In this Excel lesson, you will teach yourself how to create a case-sensitive vlookup. This is a clever way to solve many problems caused by caps lock keyboard button.
The VLOOKUP function in Excel can be used to return a value from a table based on a lookup value. However, sometimes you might want to return a simple True or False result based on whether or not a value exists in a table.
In this article, you learn how to create a vlookup formula which returns just true of false. You may need it to check if you have some data missing.
The IF function in Excel allows you to make a logical comparison between a value and what you expect, and returns a result based on whether the comparison is true or false. You can nest multiple IF functions to perform more complex comparisons and make decisions based on multiple conditions.
Let’s together create formula with nested if with combined AND & OR functions. You will need that to select data from your table. This Excel’s lesson is for analytics who would like to select some particular data from the huge data set.