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Solver Add-ins

How to use Solver in Excel

The solver in Excel is part of an analysis tool known as “What-If analysis”. You can use a solver to ascertain an optimal value in one cell known as the “target cell”.

Basically, a solver is used for a group of cells that are directly or indirectly related. Constraints can also be applied to minimize the value that can be used by Solver. We will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Solver to find a solution to a business problem.

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What IF Analysis Data

How to Use What If Analysis in Excel

What-If Analysis in Excel allows you to explore how changing input values affect calculated outcomes, essentially working in reverse of standard formulas. Instead of using known inputs to determine an output, What-If Analysis helps you find the input required to achieve a desired output.

This technique is applicable to various scenarios, such as budget planning, investment analysis, and retirement savings projections, with Goal Seek being a prominent tool within this suite.

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