How to Do Regression Analysis in Excel

Regression analysis is a powerful statistical tool used to analyze and model the relationships between variables. It allows us to understand how changes in independent variables affect the value of a dependent variable.

We will explore how to perform regression analysis in Microsoft Excel, specifically focusing on linear and multiple regression models.

Accessing Regression Analysis in Microsoft Excel

Enable the Analysis ToolPak:

  1. Click on File in the Excel ribbon.
  2. Select Excel Options.
  3. Click on Add-Ins in the left sidebar.
  4. In the Manage box at the bottom, choose Excel Add-ins and click Go.

Analysis Toolpak addin

Once you’ve enabled the Analysis ToolPak, you will have access to a range of data analysis tools, including regression.

Analysis Toolpak available

Data Analysis button will appear on Data ribbon. Under Data Analysis feature Regression function can be found.

Data analysis Regression

Regression Analysis in Excel

Prepare X & Y values in the following style.

XY table data regression analysis

Open Data Analysis and choose the Regression.

Fill the dialog box with ranges of your data:

  • Input Y Range option: Select dependent variables,
  • Input X Range option: Select independent variables,
  • Output options specify how you would like the results to be displayed,
  • Residuals contain options to draw the results as charts.

Regression analysis excel

Following regression table will be created in new sheet as follows.

Regression summary output

Linear Regression in Excel

The linear regression function answers the question: “What value will a given phenomenon (dependent variable) take, depending on the value of another phenomenon (explanatory variable)?” Due to the term “linear”, a method which has a way to remove the explained phenomenon and the variable explanation is precisely linear.

See also  How to Find Outliers in Excel

To run the linear regression prepare your data.

Linear Regression data table

Select the cells for y-values, then the ones for x-values. Check the labels.

Linear Regression select cells labels

Insert a scatter chart.

Linear Regression insert scatter chart

Right-click on the chart and choose Select Data.

Linear Regression select data

Write the Series Name, choose the cells for X-values, and for Y-values.

Linear Regression click add edit series

Click Ok.

Linear Regression click ok

Right-click on any of the markers and select Add Trendline.

Linear Regression right click add trendline

Check the Display Equation on Chart and the R-square value on chart.

Linear Regression Display Equation on Chart

You should have done a linear regression that looks like this:

ready linear regression

Multiple Regression in Excel

Multiple regression extends linear regression by considering the relationship between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables. Here’s how to perform multiple regression in Excel:

The first thing is having a data that could look something like this:

Multiple Regression data table

Choose the data you want to analyze on X values, and Y values. Select desired options, under the Residuals.

Multiple Regression Input and Residuals

The multiple regression would look something like this:

Multiple Regression Summary Output

Ensure your independent variables are truly independent.

Multiple Regression Residual Plots

Interpret coefficients carefully, considering all variables present.

This method handles complex data relationships effectively.