How to Update Values Without Using Formula

In Microsoft Excel, you can update values without using a formula by manually entering new values into a cell. I’ll show you how to update values in cells without using a formula.

Data preparation

I prepared a Sales Report.

Sales Rep Excel

But I did it wrong. It should be doubled. How to correct it without formula?

Type 2 into cell and copy it.

Sales Rep Excel correct

Next select values.

Sales Rep Excel select

Updating values

Then right click and choose Paste special. Dialog box appears.

Paste Special without formula

Click Multiply and OK.

Wow! Values are updated… without any formula.

Sales Rep Excel update without formula

Every value is now doubled.

This operation permanently changes the cell values. While you can use the ‘Undo’ function (Ctrl + Z or Cmd + Z) immediately after performing the ‘Paste Special’ operation, the changes cannot be undone after saving and closing the file. Therefore, it’s advisable to work on a copy of your data or ensure you have a recent backup.

How to Change Formula to Value?

You can also want to change formula to the value. Exchanging formula to value is very easy, and an act that can be easily performed.

Layout the values.

Exchange Formula values

Note: These values would be the source that make creating formula a possibility. You may skip this step if you have formula available.

Click on an empty cell (1), and create the formula (2), any formula of your choice.

Exchange Formula to Value create formula

Click on that value showing (1), press CTRL + C to copy it, then right click on the mouse on an empty cell (2), paste special (3), and choose paste values (4).

See also  How to Increment Row Number in Excel Formula

Exchange Formula paste values

You can also use keyboard shortcut ALT + E + S + V.