How to Highlight Every Other Row in Excel

In this lesson you will learn how to highlight every second row. Excel will highlight cells automatically instead doing it manually.

Setting conditional formatting rules

Select the range of cells that you want to apply the formatting to.

Excel Select Column

To apply the alternating row highlighting, navigate to the Home tab on the ribbon and within the Styles group, select Conditional Formatting followed by New Rule…

Excel Conditional Formatting New Rule

In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, choose Use a formula to determine which cells to format.

Excel Use a formula to determine which cells to format

Enter the formula =MOD(ROW(),2)=1 in the formula input box. This formula checks if the row number is odd.

Excel New Formatting Rule

Click the Format… button to choose your desired formatting, such as a fill color, on the Fill tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

Excel Format Cells

Applying this rule will highlight all odd-numbered rows within your selected range.

Highlighting Every Other Row

Cells are coloured. Conditional formatting started from first row.

Excel Every Second Row Highlighted

To apply a different color to the even-numbered rows, repeat the process of creating a new conditional formatting rule, but this time use the formula =MOD(ROW(),2)=0.

This formula checks if the row number is even.

Excel Conditional Formatting Rule Formula

Choose a different formatting style, such as a contrasting fill color, to distinguish the even rows. This will result in alternating row colors across your selected range.

Excel Conditional Formatting CElls Highlight

Tip1 – defining own conditional formatting

Of course, you can use your own conditional formatting. It can be also other kind of borders, colours, font style or pattern of cells. It’s your choice. Let’s prepare your custom conditional formatting like the ones I prepared:

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Excel Conditional Formatting Other Ways

Your new conditional formatting rule should now be applied to the selected range of cells in Excel. You can create multiple rules for different conditions by repeating these steps for each new rule that you want to define.

Tip2 – highlight every Nth row

You can also highlight every third of fourth row. Just change the number in formula.

Syntax for highlight every third row is =MOD(ROW(),3)=0 or =MOD(ROW(),3)=1 or =MOD(ROW(),3)=2, and the syntax for highlight every fourth row is =MOD(ROW(),4)=0 or =MOD(ROW(),4)=1 or =MOD(ROW(),4)=2 or =MOD(ROW(),4)=3.

Click on the Format button to choose the formatting that you want to apply. For example, you can select a background color for the cells that you want to highlight.

Excel Conditional Formatting Third Fourth

Your conditional formatting rule should now be applied to every Nth row in the selected range of cells in Excel. Note that you can replace N with any number you want to highlight rows at a different interval.

Highlighting every other row in Excel can make it easier to read and organize large amounts of data. By using conditional formatting, you can quickly apply this formatting to a selected range of cells.

The steps to highlight every other row are simple and involve selecting the range of cells, choosing the Conditional Formatting option, creating a new rule using a formula, selecting a formatting option, and applying the rule to the range.