Count of quarters between dates

In this Excel tutorial lesson, you will learn how to calculate the count of quarters between two dates using the Excel application.

Quarters data analysis

Suppose you have two dates. You want to know how many quarters passed between these two dates. In cell B2 there is a later date. In cell A2 you typed an earlier date.

calculate how many quarters between dates

How many quarters between data formula

To calculate how many quarters are between these two days, just use the below formula.


You can also calculate how many quarters there is between current day and some date (here in A2 cell).


Results are rounded down.

You can count the number of quarters between two dates with the INT function using the following formula:

=INT((End_Date – Start_Date)/91)

This formula uses the INT function to round down the result to the nearest integer. The 91 in the formula represents the number of days in a quarter (91 days = 3 months).

For example, if the start date is 1/1/2021 and the end date is 4/1/2022, the result would be 4 quarters (1 + 1 + 1 + 1).

Note: This formula assumes that each quarter has exactly 91 days, which is not always the case. However, for most purposes, this formula provides a close approximation of the number of quarters between two dates.

You might also be interested in date duration calculator.

Dynamic Quarter Labels

To enhance the readability of your Excel sheet, you can also add dynamic quarter labels based on the date range. For example, if you have a cell displaying the quarter count (e.g., 10), you can use Excel’s CONCATENATE or TEXT functions to generate a label like “Qtr 10” or “2023 Q2.”

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Here’s a simple formula for creating dynamic quarter labels:

= “Qtr ” & A1 & ” (” & TEXT(START_DATE, “yyyy”) & ” Q” & MOD(A1, 4) + 1 & “)”

A1 contains the quarter count.
START_DATE is the beginning date of your analysis.

This formula will generate a label that includes the quarter count, the calendar year, and the quarter within that year.

These advanced use cases and Excel tips demonstrate the versatility of counting quarters in various domains. By automating the quarter-counting process in Excel, you can save time, reduce errors, and gain valuable insights into your data, ultimately improving decision-making and reporting in your specific field of expertise.