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How to use TREND function

The TREND function in Excel is a statistical function that can be used to predict a linear trend in a set of data. The function is useful when you have a set of data points and want to predict future values based on the existing data.

The TREND function returns an array of predicted values, which can then be plotted on a chart or used in other calculations.

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vlookup zip codes table

How to VLOOKUP Zip Codes?

Whether for a school project or a work assignment, chances are you’re going to need to use VLOOKUP at least once in your life. Let’s say you have a long list of names, contact information, and addresses, including zip codes.

You need to pull the zip codes for a targeted subset of contacts on the list, but looking up each contact individually is time consuming. Fortunately, VLOOKUP can help you quickly pull zip codes for any sized list of contacts. Let’s take a look how to VLOOKUP zip codes.

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