How to Insert Page Numbers?

Inserting page numbers in Excel is a straightforward task. Let’s walk through the steps together to ensure you understand how to insert page numbers in Excel efficiently.

How to insert text?

To begin, click on the Insert tab. This is your first step towards adding page numbers.

ribbon insert Page Number

Look to the right side and click on Text. This will lead you to the next set of options.

ribbon text Page Number

Adding a footer

Choose Header & Footer after clicking on the Text section in the second step. This action will redirect you to the section where you can insert page numbers in Excel.

header and footer Page Number

Click on Number of Pages. This will allow you to add sequential numbering to your document.

ribbon pages number

Click on an empty cell in any of the columns. Before you clicked, you might have seen a 0 or &[Pages]; this will change to the actual number of pages once you click on an empty cell.

empty cell Page Number

Note: To ensure that page numbers appear on every page when you print your worksheet, you may need to adjust the print area or set up page breaks. Go to the Page Layout tab and use the Page Setup section to customize your print settings.

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