What is Formula Auditing in Excel

In this article you will learn everything about formula auditing. It is especially about Trace Precedents and Trace Dependences which can help you to understand what is going on in the worksheet.

Excel’s Formula Auditing tools, found within the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas tab, provide valuable features for understanding, debugging, and ensuring the accuracy of your spreadsheet calculations. These tools include Trace Precedents (to identify cells a formula depends on), Trace Dependents (to show which cells depend on a given cell), Evaluate Formula (to step through complex formulas), Error Checking (to scan for common formula errors), Watch Window (to monitor cell values), Show Formulas (to display formulas instead of results), and Remove Arrows (to clear tracing arrows).

Formula auditing ribbon

Trace Precedents – Which cells are contributing to this formula?

Commands contained there in provide an analysis of the formulas from your workbook. For example, in a situation when you are in a cell that contains a specific formula, and you want to check the cell to which it refers. Then you can use the Trace Precedents command. This will display the arrows from all the cells that are used in the formula to cells analyzed.

Excel tells us, from which the data depends on our formula by selecting the color cell source. Below cell C2 is directly dependent on B2 and C12.

Formula auditing Trace Precedents

Using the same function again, Excel puts another arrow until the all the cells with formulas that have an influence on our cell, will be referred to their predecessors.

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Using Trace Precedents can help you understand the structure of your spreadsheet and identify any potential errors or issues with your formulas. It’s a powerful tool for debugging and troubleshooting complex worksheets.

Tracking dependencies – which formulas use this cell?

The dependency tracking shows that cells depend indicated, the opposite of tracking predecessors. To do it use the Trace Dependents button.

The following example shows how the cells change, if you change the value in cell B2.

Formula auditing Trace Dependents

Using Trace Dependents can help you understand the impact of a change in a cell on other cells in your spreadsheet. It’s a powerful tool for identifying potential issues or unintended consequences of your calculations.

Remove Arrows

You can remove arrows clicking Remove Arrows button.

Show formulas

This button will show formulas in cells instead of results of formulas.

Formula auditing show formulas