How to Create Charts with Filtered Data in Excel

We will learn to create graphs which can be handled by data filters to look more easy and customizable.

Data preparation

Let us create a chart data for 2 products with different categories.

We have the cost and profit values in this chart. Convert this data to tables to make it more accessible.

chart with filtered data table

The table lools like follows:

chart with filtered data table data table

The chart

Create a chart from the same now:

chart with clustered column

The chart will look like this:

basic chart with filtered data table

Now we can easily filter the category as shown below:

chart with filtered data table filter category

After filtering the graph will look like this:

chart with filtered data table filtering the graph

We can also try to remove a product from the list of products.

Please note that this is a small table but for more number of products and more categories it will be very handy to filter the table and how it reflects on the charts instantly:

chart with filtered data table remove the product

Product disappeared from the chart:

chart with removed product

We can insert slicer like this also:

chart with filtered data table insert slicer

This is how slicers look like:

chart with filtered data table chart slicer

It will very easy to click on the slicer values instead of the filtering:

chart with filtered data table click slicer

This approach of linking charts to tables and using slicers is especially powerful for larger datasets and creating interactive dashboards. It allows users to explore the data and visualize different perspectives quickly and easily without needing to manually adjust the chart’s data source.

Please find attached Excel file for reference.

See also  How to create a bell curve in Excel