How to make 4 Axis Graph

Radar charts, also known as spider charts, web charts or star charts, are used to evaluate multiple alternatives based on multiple criteria. You need to use a radar chart when you have to display multivariate data in the form of a chart that has three or more axis.

For example, you can use a radar chart to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a number of supply chain strategies or to compare multiple projects graphically. Given below is a simple radar chart with 5 axes on a scale of 0 to 10.

four axis chart example

Let’s analyze how well three salesmen performed over the past four years with the help of a radar chart. Here, you need to represent the data in a 4 axis chart where each axis represents a year.

Create 4 Axis Chart

Step 1. Open Excel and save your file as radar.xlsx. Type “Year” in A1, “John Smith” in B1, “Sarah Turner” in C1, “Kevin White” in D1, “2010” in A2, “2011” in A3, “2012” in A4 and “2013” in A5. You should not enter the double quotes when you type in the data.

You can format this texts and make it bold. Again, enter values less than 100 in cells from B2 to D5. These are the performance values of the salesmen in percentage. Now your screen will look like this. Depending on the values you entered, the data in cells B2 to D5 could be different.

four axis chart table

Step 2. Select cells from A2 to D5 and go to Insert (main menu) –> Other Charts (in the Charts group) and select the first chart type from the Radar section (circled in red).

See also  How to Create a Thermometer Chart in Excel

four axis chart radar chart

Now your screen will look like this:

four axis chart radar chart inserted

You can move the 4 axis graph wherever you want by just dragging and dropping it. You will also see three new menu options (in the main menu) and they are Design, Layout and Format as in the following image.

four axis chart radar chart design

Step 3. Select the chart by clicking somewhere inside the chart and go to Design (main menu) –> Select Data (in the Data group).

four axis chart select data

You will get a screen like this:

four axis chart select data source

From the left-hand side, select Series4 and click Remove. Then, select Series1 and click Edit.

four axis chart edit series

In the series name: textbox, enter “John Smith”. Click inside the Series values: textbox, delete the current value and select cells from B2 to B5.

four axis chart series

Click OK.

four axis chart select data source

Select Series 2 and then click the Edit button. You will get the Edit Series window. Enter “Sarah Turner” in the Series name: textbox and select the cells C2 to C5 after clicking inside the Series values: textbox. Click OK. Again, select Series3 and click Edit.

Enter “Kevin White” in the Series name: textbox and select the cells D2 to D5 after clicking inside the Series values: textbox.

four axis chart legend entries

Step 4. On the right-hand side, click Edit.

four axis chart axis labels

Click in the Axis label range: textbox and select cells from A2 to A5.

four axis chart axis labels range

Click OK and you will get the Select Data Source window.

four axis chart ready