How to Add Scroll Bar in Excel Chart

In this Excel charting tutorial lesson, you will learn how to insert a chart with a scrollbar in Excel application. This kind of chart could be useful for more complicated data sets.

How to create a scroll bar chart?

Consider the data and determine where your data set is going to be.

chart with scrollbar data table

Now, look at where you want your dynamic range. This cell is ultimately going to drive the data that’s reflected within your chart.

chart with scrollbar dynamic range

Now, press the Ctrl+F3 keyboard shortcut. A window like the one shown below appears. Click New.

chart with scrollbar name manager

A New Name window appears. Fill the Name field as Amount.

chart with scrollbar New Name

Again, Name Manager window appears. Choose New.

chart with scrollbar name manager click new

Fill in the Name field with the Date.

chart with scrollbar fill name Date

Here you insert the chart. For this, select a 3D column chart. To add the chart, first select your data table. Next, go to ribbon. Click Insert > Column > 3D Column. The following chart is created.

chart with scrollbar 3-D bar chart

How to add a scroll bar to the chart?

Enable your Developer tab in the ribbon. To do this, go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon. Check the box for Developer. Now, under the Developer ribbon’s tab, choose Insert > Scroll Bar.

chart with scrollbar Insert Scroll Bar

Then insert the scroll bar anywhere in the chart window. Then right-click the scroll bar and select Format Control.

chart with scrollbar Format Control

On the Control tab, enter the Cell Link.

chart with scrollbar cell link

Then left-click on the chart and under the Chart Tools select Design then Select Data. Select Amount and Edit; the Edit Series is displayed last.

See also  Chart with average line

chart with scrollbar edit series

Choose Edit under the Horizontal Axis Labels.

chart with scrollbar select data source

Select the Date series from your sheet.

chart with scrollbar axis labels

Here you go with a scrollable plot.

chart with scrollbar ready

Scrollbar is above the chart. You can click on it to change the range of data presented.