How to Print in Excel

Excel makes it easy to print your spreadsheets and charts. Here are the steps on how to print in Excel:

How to print in Excel?

Open the spreadsheet or chart you want to print.

Click the File tab.

Printing ribbon

Click Print.

Printing click print

In the Settings section, choose the options you want. For example, you can choose to print the entire workbook, a specific sheet, or a range of cells.

Click Print.

Printing portrait orientation

Note: If the document content’s width is too bred, or too high for the A4, then you could change the portrait orientation, which is marked in red. This would be effective if the rows are short, but the width is breeder.

How to print a full page chart?

In this example, you will learn how to shrink your chart so that it fits on the page. This is an excellent trick which lets you print clear charts.

Choose your chart.

Excel Sample Chart click

Click File > Print.

Excel Ribbon File Print

In Setting choose Fit Sheet on One Page.

How to print all tabs?

This is how to print an entire workbook in Excel.

You can print all the sheets together. Excel has got an option which lets you print the entire workbook.

To print all the tabs, go to Ribbon. Click File > Print.

Excel Print Button

Printing entire workbook

Here you see the Settings. In the first list, you can choose what to print. Click Print Entire Workbook.

See also  How to create Tables in Excel

Print Entire Workbook

Excel will print the entire workbook.