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How to insert degree symbol?

In this Excel tutorial, you will learn how to insert a degree symbol in your spreadsheet.

There are various ways to insert the degree symbol.

Inserting a Symbol

The most straightforward way to insert the degree symbol (°) is using the Symbol dialog box (Insert tab > Symbol).

There are plenty of symbols. From Subset choose Superscripts and Subscripts. The degree symbol will be available in the middle of the screen.

Inserting an Equation

Go to Ribbon to the Insert tab. Click Equation button. Expand the list of Symbols and choose Basic Math. The degree symbol will be available in the second line.

Insert a character code

You can also insert a degree symbol in Excel by using the Character Map Windows application or character code. Just open Character Map, find degree symbol and copy it. Then you can paste it into your Excel spreadsheet.

Note: The keyboard shortcut for the degree symbol is ALT + 0176 (using the numeric keypad).

Create a custom number format

The last way to insert a degree symbol is to create a custom number format. To do that, just click CTRL + 1 the keyboard shortcut. Next, go to the custom category and paste the degree symbol from the character map there.

I used a more fancy format 0.0°F meaning it will format the content of the cell with the numbers for a fahrenheit temperature.

Use CHAR Excel function

It is enough to insert a degree symbol by using the CHAR function. The formula for the degree symbol is =CHAR(176)

Finally, the CHAR function can insert the degree symbol using its character code. The formula =CHAR(176) will insert the degree symbol into the cell. This method is useful for combining the degree symbol with other text or numbers in a formula (e.g., =B2&CHAR(176))

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