How to Open a DIF File in Excel

A DIF file is a data interchange file that can be used to exchange data between different applications. Excel can open DIF files, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

How to Open a DIF File in Excel

Using the Import Text File Dialog Box

To open a DIF file in Excel using the Import Text File dialog box, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the File menu and select Open.
  2. In the Open dialog box, select the All Files (*.txt; *.csv; *.prn) option from the Files of type drop-down list.
  3. Navigate to the DIF file that you want to open and select it.
  4. Click the Open button.

Excel will open the DIF file and display the data in a new worksheet.

Using the Power Query Add-in

To open a DIF file in Excel using the Power Query add-in, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data tab and select From Text/CSV.
  2. In the From Text/CSV dialog box, select the Text Files (*.txt; *.csv; *.prn) option from the Files of type drop-down list.
  3. Navigate to the DIF file that you want to open and select it.
  4. Click the Import button.

Excel will then import the DIF file into a Power Query table. You can then use the Power Query features to transform and analyze the data. For example, you can apply filters, sort, group, merge, or split columns, create calculated columns, or change data types.

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To load the data into an Excel worksheet, go to the Home tab in Power Query and select Close & Load.


There are a few limitations to opening DIF files in Excel:

  • The DIF file must be in a format that Excel can understand. The most common DIF file format is the 1993 version, which is supported by all versions of Excel from Excel 97 onwards.
  • The DIF file must be saved in a location that Excel can access.
  • The DIF file must be less than 1024 kilobytes in size.


If the DIF file does not open correctly, try the following:

  • Change the encoding in the Open dialog box.
  • Split the DIF file into smaller files.
  • Contact the software application that created the file for assistance.

For more complex data manipulation, Power Query offers advanced features that enhance the capabilities of Excel in handling DIF files.