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How to use Vlookup to find a Value Greater Than a Certain Number in Excel?

To use VLOOKUP to find a value greater than a certain number, you can combine VLOOKUP with other functions like MATCH and INDEX. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. In a new cell, enter the number you want to search for.
  2. In another cell, enter the following formula: “=MATCH(search_value, lookup_range, 1)”.
  3. Replace “search_value” with the cell reference of the number you want to search for, and replace “lookup_range” with the range of cells you want to search in. The “1” at the end tells Excel to find the largest value that is less than or equal to the search value.
  4. Press Enter to calculate the formula. The result will be the row number of the cell that contains the largest value that is less than or equal to the search value.
  5. Now, you can use the row number returned by the MATCH function with the INDEX function to retrieve the corresponding value. For example, you can use the following formula to retrieve the value in column B that corresponds to the row number returned by the MATCH function: “=INDEX(range, row_number, 2)”.
  6. Replace “range” with the range of cells that contains the data you want to retrieve, and replace “row_number” with the cell reference of the cell that contains the result of the MATCH function.
  7. Press Enter to calculate the formula. The result will be the value in column B that corresponds to the largest value that is less than or equal to the search value.

Note that this method assumes that your data is sorted in ascending order. If your data is sorted in descending order, you can use “0” instead of “1” in the MATCH function to find the smallest value that is greater than or equal to the search value.

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