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How to calculate integral average in Excel

In Excel, you can calculate the integral average, also known as a definite integral, by using the Sumproduct and Trapz functions.

Here’s an example of how to calculate the definite integral of a set of data using these functions:

  1. Organize your data into two columns, one for the independent variable (x) and one for the dependent variable (y).
  2. Determine the range of values over which you want to calculate the definite integral.

Use the SUMPRODUCT function to calculate the sum of the products of the width of each rectangle (dx) and the height of each rectangle (f(x)).

The formula for this is: =SUMPRODUCT((A3:A7-A2:A6)*(B3:B7+B2:B6)/2)

For more complex or accurate integration needs, consider using software designed for numerical analysis, such as MATLAB, Python with libraries like SciPy, or even Excel VBA scripts that can implement more sophisticated numerical integration methods.

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